Friday, January 6, 2012

First Grade Goal Setting--What is Important to a 6 Year Old?

 From time to time, I like to post what I see on the wall outside of my speech room.  Today, Ms. Capps and Ms. Alston displayed their kids' New Year's Resolutions.  The children each wrote a goal for home and a goal for school, and what I loved about the goals was that they were specific and achievable. We should all follow their examples!  Read for yourself!  I love the cute little illustrations too! 
For those of you not from Ephesus, "road runners" are tickets for good behavior,
Ephesus kids are Roadrunners.  The "home" picture and goal on the left is cute.
School goal is left, home is right.  This ESL student is still learning English.

She must spend a lot of time now at the water fountain! 
"I will stop whining."  "I will not turn around at lunch."

"My goal is to write neatly."  "Hanging my clothes up."

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